The money spent up-front on a professional inspection could save many thousands of dollars down the track and being able to rely on accurate information to make your decision makes for a great return on investment.
Our track n trace inspections start from $245 + GST / Building Inspections start from $400 + GST / Comprehensive Thermal / Building Inspections start from $550 + GST and Weathertightness Reports start from $750 + GST.
Unfortunately, not all professionals are equal. This is especially true when it comes to building inspections and thermal imaging providers. For us, working to a standard means the highest quality and most accurate inspection is delivered every time. This may not provide you the cheapest price, but we believe this offers true value for money.
We don't have a simple fixed priced service because there are just too many variables to consider such as the size of the property, the complexity of the design, Monolithic cladding, multiple levels, concrete slab or sub floor cavity, flat roof or roof cavity, the amount of anomalies found, and the type of report requested.
We service the Auckland area and nationwide on request. If you require an urgent inspection report, let us know and our team can have your report back to you within 24 hours! Call us today if you would like to ask any questions about your inspection requirements. Our friendly and knowledgeable staff will be happy to help in any way they can.